Introduction of ACEI

Greetings from ACEI: Hong Kong and Macau. This is the first issue of the ACEI-HKM newsletter. On behalf of the ACEI-HKM Executive Board I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to all colleagues who have made our dream comes true and best wishes to all members in the new academic year and beyond. ACEI-HKM observed its First Anniversary on 15 June, 2000. With support of the ACEI-HKM fund, our anniversary dinner was held on 30 June in the Shatin floating restaurant. Historically, ACEI-HKM was founded on 21 July, 1998 with authorization from the ACEI Headquarters in Maryland, USA to represent Hong Kong and Macau . It was until 15 June 1999, our branch was registered with the Government of Hong Kong under the Certificate of Registration of Society in Section 5A(1), Chapter 151 of the Societies Ordinance. 

During the past two years, members of the ACEI-HKM Executive Board have worked enthusiastically to promote the purposes and missions of the association, to recruit new members, to organize various activities and develop local and global partnership, and to represent our best interests in both the local branch and the ACEI Headquarters . It is hard to imagine that within only two years of establishment our branch has accomplished significant development in several aspects. On the financial front, our branch maintains adequate funds and revenues to meet daily operations and to support members activities at all levels. With the formation of the Publications Committee and assistance of external reviewers, members are now able to contribute articles and materials for publication in newsletters or in the form of reports, monographs, occasional papers, etc. In the future, we wish to develop our own Journal of the ACEI-HKM and other newsletters and publications in both English and Chinese languages. Furthermore, I am delighted to inform you that earlier this month members of our Macau School Curriculum Evaluation Research Team(MSCERT) have completed a large-scale ACEI-HKM Project (Stage I and II) for the Macau SAR Education Commission, DSEJ, to review and evaluate the contents, structure, orientation, resource management, and implementation process of the official primary curricula on four subject areas: Civic / Moral Education (Wu Siu Wai, Thomas Tse, Ip Kin Yuen), Social Studies (Ben Choi, Yung Man Sing, and Po Sum Cho), Visual Art and Craft (Wong So Lan, Lee Yiu Hong, Cheung Suk Yee), and Mathematics (Tang Kwok Chun, Ngan Ming Yan, and Kam Chi Keung). Moreover, ACEI-HKM is very pleased to have invited Titus Li Siu Pang and Jennifer Lo Yiu Chun to join the Steering Committee for this curriculum evaluation project, and with all this joint effort together we managed to incorporate all the different parts into the final report after some earlier revisions. Thank you very much for the long-term commitment and hard work of all MSCERT team members, the Stage 2 of the MSCERT Report reached the Macau government on a timely schedule. 

As we have entered the 21st century , information technology has much greater impact on human society. Our webmaster, Conrad Cheung, is now ready to construct the branch URL after obtaining the agreement from the Prof. P. C. Wong, Director of SMIEE, to provide a website server space. The future ACEI-HKM website should enhance our links and partnerships with many other ACEI branches and educational organizations, while at the same time, it will facilitate information exchange and international collaboration among institutions at all levels, including developing comparative education research for Hong Kong and Macau. Apart from research, ACEI-HKM has strengthened its administrative capacity as three professional members accepted our invitation at the last ACEI-HKM meeting to join the ACEI-HKM Executive Board as coordinators in early childhood education (Doris Cheung), primary education (Dorcas Wong Sau Ha), and secondary education (Thomas Tse Kwan Choi). 

As the founding president of the ACEI-HKM, I am eager to tell you that in the past year your continued support and contributions have succeeded to foster the establishment of a great ACEI branch. As we know, ACEI was originally founded in 1892 by a group of dedicated educators and other interested professionals with the aim to promote the inherit rights, education and well-being of all children and to gather and disseminate knowledge of the educational movement throughout the world. Today, after more than a century, ACEI has over 130 branches in the USA and worldwide and it is now the oldest organization of its kind with headquarters in Maryland, USA. We have not, nor should we ever, lose sight of this early and fundamental goals and missions of our ACEI predecessors. 

The year 2001 will be another fun, challenging, and prosperous year for ACEI-HKM. Undoubtedly, being the first president for ACEI-HKM is a highly challenging task with awesome responsibility. Nonetheless, without your active involvement, enduring efforts, and strong commitment, ACEI-HKM will never fully realize and succeed in its visions and missions. It is certainly my great pleasure to be able to work with you at ACEI-HKM, and above all, you are the most valuable assets and support of our association. 

I wish the best of the new millennium to all of you!

Ramsey D. Koo
President, ACEI-HKM

會長的話 President's Remarks

President's Remarks
Dr Becky Lau
ACEI_HKM (2015-2017)

President's Remarks
ACEI_HKM (2013-2015)


Member Application Form: < ACEI-HKM-membershipForm_Chin.pdf >

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Copyright © 2004. The Association for Childhood Education International (Hong Kong & Macau). All Rights Reserved.
Corresponding address: P.O.BOX 70282, CENTRAL POST OFFICE, KOWLOON, HONG KONG.

Last update: 19 Dec, 2019

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